COVID Sapien (“foolish man”, or “more-modern humans”)
Named by scientists: never.
When and where do they live: The species first appeared in China in 2020 – quickly moved out of China and spread across the rest of the world. Multiple virulent variants found in multiple countries.
Where will COVID Sapien fit in the Sapien Species lineage? Not yet known.
The following list from: Ancient humans: What we know and still don’t know about them | New Scientist
Homo habilis (“handy” man)
Discovered: 1960, officially named in 1964.
When and where did it live? Evolved in Africa sometime before 2 million years ago, went extinct in Africa by about 1.5 million years ago.
Homo erectus (“upright man”)
Discovered: 1891, officially named the following year.
When and where did it live? Probably evolved in Africa about 2 million years ago, quickly expanded and spread across Eurasia. The date of its extinction is debated – recent estimates suggest it may have disappeared by 143,000 years ago.
Homo neanderthalensis (the Neanderthal)
Discovered: 1829, not officially named until 1865.
When and where did it live? Appeared in Eurasia roughly 200,000 years ago and went extinct there about 40,000 years ago.
The Denisovans
Discovered: 2010.
When and where did they live? Still unclear, but possibly throughout eastern Asia between about 200,000 years ago and 50,000 years ago.
Homo floresiensis (the “hobbit”)
Discovered: 2003, officially named the following year.
When and where did they live? Known to have lived on the Indonesian island of Flores between about 100,000 and 50,000 years ago – an ancestral form of the species might have been present on the island at least 700,000 years ago.
Homo naledi (“star man”)
Discovered: 2013, officially named in 2015.
When and where did they live: South Africa. No officially published data on the species’ age, but unofficial reports suggest it was alive between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago.
Homo sapiens (“wise man”, or “modern humans”)
Named by scientists: 1758.
When and where did they live: The species first appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago – began to move out of Africa at least 100,000 years ago and spread across the rest of the world.
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